Meet Crunch! Born 4/8/18 from Bluebell and Luke
Crunch is a super smart boy and loves to please you. He is such a lovebug and wants all your attention. He loves to give you kisses. He already knows sit and here, has been started on leash training, and started on command down.
He is a F1 Labradoodle and I expect him to get 65-85lbs but some of our males are known to get to 100lbs. He is a Chocolate with a few white markings and is looking to fade to cafe. He is looking to have a lightly wavy coat. We have 2 spots left available in this litter.
Bluebell didn’t disappoint these puppies are absolutely beautiful and her puppies always have wonderful personalities. They normally get a little goofiness from their daddy but are loving just like both parents. We will be keeping a puppy for our breeding program from this litter. We love Bluebell puppies and have already held 2 back from previous litters. Both parents are OFA tested
Luke is OFA hips: Excellent Elbows: Normal
Bluebell is OFA Hips: Good Elbows: Normal.
Our puppies are raised with lots of love in our home for the first few weeks before moving into our nursery. We utilize Early Neurological Stimulation and Puppy Culture when raising our puppies. They come microchipped, with a 2 year health guarantee, up to date on shots and de-wormings and with a puppy care package. If you have any questions just let me know!
Meet Cosmos! He is an English Golden Retriever. He was born August 21st.
He is the sweetest boy and is extremely willing to please. He has started on my training program and is doing fantastic! He knows the commands here, sit, down, get in your crate, we have started on roll over, he is great at walking on a leash, is 98% crate trained he only had 2 accidents all week and is almost completely house trained. He only had one accident in the house this week. He has also been on several car rides and has done fantastic. He also doesn’t mind being washed and blow dried. He is the absolute sweetest boy! He lives to please you. He has more of a submissive personality than a dominant one when it comes to interacting with the other dogs but is in no way afraid of them. His price will continue to increase as his training increases so please contact me if you are interested in this beautiful boy!
His mama Gena is a Champion in Conformation and his daddy Apollo is an International Champion in Conformation so he should be outstandingly beautiful. Gena is a super sweet girl. She loves to retrieve or to be by your side. Apollo is a lover of belly rub and giving hugs. Gena is 60lbs and Apollo is 65lbs so I expect these puppies to be anywhere from 60-70lbs.Gena’s OFA results are Hips: Good Elbows: Normal. Apollo’s OFA results are Hips: Good.
All puppies are raised using puppy culture methods, come spoiled rotten with AKC Limited Registration, a 2 year health guarantee (3 year if you feed Life’s Abundance the entire 3 years and Lifetime 10 year guarantee if you feed the system the entire 10 years, microchipped, up to date on shots and de-worming, toys, treats, information, and lifetime support. Just let me know if you have any questions about this litter.